

Free Speech Ireland is an independent organisation that advocates for free speech and free expression.

After the Hate Speech Bill passed the final Dáil stage, Free Speech Ireland brought international attention to the clumsy, overbearing piece of legislation.
  • Hate Speech Legislation and the Good Friday Agreement

    The Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred or Hate Offences) Bill 2022, which is currently before the Irish Senate, is expected to become the law of the land in September. It is a poor…

  • ‘Whoa there, Minister!’

    The controversial ‘Hate Speech’ legislation completed its Second Stage debate in the Seanad this week. Speaking to us, the Minister for Justice indicated that she would not rush the Bill through the Seanad. So concerned…

  • FactCheck: Fine Gael claim Hate Speech Bill will only criminalise “extreme” cases

    Section 9 of the Hate Speech Bill begins by stating, “A person may be found guilty of an offence under section 7 or 8 irrespective of whether the communication of material or behaviour [of] the…