

Free Speech Ireland is an independent organisation that advocates for free speech and free expression.

After the Hate Speech Bill passed the final Dáil stage, Free Speech Ireland brought international attention to the clumsy, overbearing piece of legislation.
  • The Hate Speech Bill: Final Dáil Stage

    The final stage of the Bill in the lower house of the Oireachtas played out on Wednesday. The controversial legislation was published last October and will have dire ramifications for those who are deemed to…

  • On the Posie Parker “Let Women Speak” rally in Belfast

    In the run-up to an event this weekend held by Kellie-Jay Keen, a.k.a. Posie Parker, a Gender-Critical Feminist and outspoken voice in the debate around Gender Idealogy, we are seeing many calls to violence and…

  • Hate Speech Bill Enters 4th Stage

    The Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022 has entered the 4th stage of the Oireachtas law-making process. This means that it is almost finished in the Dáil and will…