

Free Speech Ireland is an independent organisation that advocates for free speech and free expression.

After the Hate Speech Bill passed the final Dáil stage, Free Speech Ireland brought international attention to the clumsy, overbearing piece of legislation.
  • Wicklow Campaign Launches

    Following the mantle of Justice Minister transferring to Simon Harris from Helen McEntee, Free Speech Ireland launched an awareness campaign in Harris’ constituency, Wicklow. The Justice Minister is the sponsor of the controversial Hate Speech…

  • Opposing the Hate Speech Bill: A Successful Evening

    Thank you to all who attended our public meeting on Justice Minister Helen Mc Entee’s Hate Speech Bill Wednesday evening. Professor Gerard Casey and Mattie McGrath TD were our first two speakers. Casey, a Philosophy…

  • Fine Gael TDs call for less Gardaí to do more

    Fine Gael TDs Helen McEntee and Neil Richmond have each called for the already over-burdened Garda service to do more in different areas. The goal set out for new students entering the Garda College in…